A Guide to Multiplayer Map Design

Hi guys, senior level designer Armagon, back again!

Yesterday I unveiled the first of our map editor video guides. Now today, as promised, I have the next one locked and loaded for you!

This second video takes a deep dive into how to design a skirmish map with competitive play in mind. When writing this guide, I received valuable input from some of our most dedicated competitive mapmakers in the Groove of War community, so I have confidence in this guide as a good starting point.

Hopefully these first two videos will prove useful to you folks! They took quite a bit of time for me to write and produce, but I’ve already started preparations on the third, so I’m hoping to get it to you before too long. In the meantime, be sure to let us know what you’re most interested in learning next! I’ll be looking to tackle the topics that benefit the most people across the board, so let your voices be heard!

Come talk to us over on TwitterDiscord and the Wargroove subreddit.