Hammer Time

Hello everyone,

We teased a reveal a few days ago, and as some of you correctly guessed it’s a new Commander which will be available in the upcoming Wargroove DLC! We can’t share all the DLC details, but we can confirm it’ll be available very soon – and will be completely *free* for anyone who owns the base game!!

Meet Wulfar, an Outlaw Chief. Anyone who’s played through the game’s main campaign should familiar with units from the Outlaw faction – but our heroes have never encountered an Outlaw commander!

Wulfar is the Chief of the largest and oldest Outlaw clan in Aurania. He stands enormously tall and uses his colossal strength to wield his weapon of choice – a massive stone hammer. It may seem a clumsy instrument, but years of training allow him to wield it with expert precision.

He comes from a long line of pirates and thieves – and uses his flexibility and adaptability to overcome opponents in battle. Though many are intimidated by his towering physique, Wulfar’s strong resolve, quick thinking, and clever problem solving are the reasons his Outlaw clan follows him.

Wulfar’s groove uses his hammer like a supercharged golf club, launching his target across the map, dealing damage to both the target and any enemies they land near. With one fell swoop of the hammer, Wulfar can launch ground units into the ocean to immediately defeat them or swing at allies to reposition them during battle.

We’ll be sharing more details about the DLC over the next few weeks! If you’re in the London area, we’ll be showing off the new content at EGX 2019! We’ll be there in person talking to players, so if you’re attending be sure to say hello and get a sneak peak. If you want to chat with us online and share thoughts about the latest Wargroove news you can find us on the Wargroove Discord.

We’ll be streaming the DLC soon as well – so make sure to follow us on twitch to get notified when we do!

You can follow updates about the DLC and Wargroove in general on Twitter, our forums, the Wargroove subreddit, and the wiki!

Till next time!